Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Abbotsford House Church BLOG

Hello sisters and brothers,

We were talking about blogging last nite!!
I set up this blog where we can all blog together!!
This means we all write in same blog!!

Basically, this blog is like a message board for our family (Church)!!
Specifically for, Denise, Amber(s), Amanda, Chris, Katar, Kap, Ben, Joel or Kurt... people who are away or (going way) from the home base. We would love to know how you are doing!! We want to pray for you and support your needs!!

If you need help set up your blog account. Let me know I will help you open an account! Or even post blog for you!!

Warmest blessings,


1 comment:

Denichi said...

Hey Everyone,
So I am sitting here, drinking my latte with my laptob and I feel so cool!! I know this is really corny, but we have a blog. I love it!!! Last night was really good. We seem to be going through growth pains, which are natural, but hard. Everyone shared great things and it was awesome to hear everyone's heart. Now (thanks to out little Asian girl) we have our own blog!! How cool is this!! Claire you are amazing!!!