Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Doing all for the Glory of God

I just finished reading A.W. Towzer's book The Pursuit of God and God has spoken so clearly to me. The last chapter is called "The Sacrament of Living" and describes how easy it is to divide our lives into spiritual and secular. It's something I've fought with most of my life. Maybe it's partly cos I'm a pastor's kid or something. I think God's really proud of me if I read my Bible and pray but doing those manual, everyday things are just not as important and I almost have felt guilty in spending my time doing those. He talks about doing everything we do for God's glory.

I think this is what churches and the world need to know. "Lay people" (is there a more modern word?) never need to think of their jobs as less or as inferior to a pastor's. We all need to just be faituful in what God the Father calls us to. Jesus is our perfect example. He knew no divided life -natural life vs. his spiritual life. He always did those things that pleased his Father. "As He moved among men He was poised and restful." Think I need to get a deeper revelation on that.

With teaching I haven't had as much time to do the "spiritual stuff" but it has made me all the more hungrier for God and last night when I was reading my devotional from when I was a kid, God was speaking. "Just hold on to the fundamentals, the elementary principles, and mostly hold onto My hand."

1 comment:

jeremy postal said...

You might also enjoy Towzers "Knowledge of the Holy" Check it out yo!