Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Valiant Men Pushing Back the Horizons!

I really enjoyed Sunday night at the Schmidts. It was great to see the old faces and see some of the new ones as well. It was great to chill afterwards and remember all the funny things that have happened in the Schmidt house church. Here are a couple to refresh your memory
- the wacky guy that called Henry a false prophet.
-the Chinese house church night. Where we packed people in and collected a donation of $10,000. It was unbelievable.

It was amazing to see how far some of us go back and the great memories that we have made but also to look forward to see what is happening next.

It seems like all of our destinies are really unfolding. I was so excited to hear about Adam's plans for the summer, as well as hear Kartar's heart and I'm so excited that Vic is going some where too! It totally pumped me up. I went home that night and I thought "Wow! I am surrounded by a great cloud witnesses here in Abbotsford." I feel so privileged to see people go and come back and hear what God is doing in their lives and what God is doing through them. And it is only going to get bigger, because we are pushing the horizons back and having bigger dreams, sailing in wider oceans and living life to the fullest! Amen!

A couple weeks ago I came across the word "valiant" and I really liked it. I felt that God said that he was going to give my team valiant men (if you didn't know my team is lacking in men, so that is one thing you can pray for). I have been reading the life of David lately and I came across this verse 1 Samuel 10.26 Saul also went to his home in Gibeah accompanied by valiant men whose hearts God had touched! When I read this verse I thought "Wow, it would be something to be accompanied by Valiant men whose hearts were touched by God. That would be a pleasure!! So I started to pray into this verse for myself as well as for some of my guy friends, that your hearts would be touched by God!! And that you would have the characteristic of valor.

But you might be asking yourself . . . "What does valiant mean?"
I had a rough idea in my head but I thought I would double check. So I went to dictionary.com

1.boldly courageous; brave; stout-hearted: a valiant soldier.
2.marked by or showing bravery or valor; heroic: to make a valiant effort.
3.worthy; excellent.

Wow! Those are some excellent characteristics to have! And I am sure that we don't always feel brave or excellent, but I feel that my brothers need to take hold of it and run with it. To pursue excellence and be brave in character, because I have a feeling that you are going to need that with some of the dreams that you shared.

So I pray my dear brothers that God would deeply touch your hearts and that you would be brave and fearless and full of faith as you venture out on your journeys with God. I will always treasure all of you so much no matter where you or I will be in the world. Keep on pressing into the horizons!


Claire Shieh said...

I am praying that God will give a valiant men to your team. And also your future husband will be valiant too!! he hee heee.

Denise, you are very cute too. and you are amazing.


Hilary said...

Questions, where is Vic going? What's Adam's summer plans? What's everyone else up to? Could someone email me and update me, please? Going crazy up here with no real connection to anything. Miss you all...

Hilary said...

Ok, Adam going to Mongolia, got it. That's amazing!