Monday, October 23, 2006

Saving the World or Love?

So, I've always been the kind of person living for causes. I wanna clean the environment, bring world peace, end poverty, (do I sound like I'm trying to be Miss Canada?). Anyways I think I've come to realize that while these may be good things, very good things in fact,- they're not enough. I'm longing for more. More to base my relationships with people on.

When I was at SFU one of my friends found out that I was a Christian. She told me that her religion was every time she was able to really connect with someone be it over a common hobby, movie, etc. It seems simple, but it always stuck with me. What is it about me that just longs for relationship? That doesn't want to have to solve the world's problems.

Yesterday a girl came to our housechurch (yeah, that's where I have "church") and read an amazing poem she had written. The last line hit me. It's not about our competence but our dependence on our Father. That's how we gotta live. Trusting the Father. Safe in Him.

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