Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Torch Bearer

This is a letter one of the new girls at our house church wrote. Her name is Jenn. It really spoke to me. I pray that God will speak to you through it. P.S. Claire, I was wondering if we might be able to get her on the network. She has many encouraging things to say.

Dear Torch Bearer, October 16, 2006 I know there are times when you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. You are often the one people look to for strength, but you sigh, as you grow more tired. I know that day and night you hope for tomorrow’s fruits from the labors of today. You carry your dream tucked so close to your heart, never letting it get stolen, yet it still feels so far away, and sometimes it makes your heart heavy. You look at your horizon with weary eyes wondering if you have what it takes to carry the torch. You wonder if you if you could possibly lead the way. You wonder if it’s too late, and if you already missed the mark. Might you ever enter the promise land, or lead the people to freedom? But I want you to know that God has called you by name, He has equipped you with everything you need, and he is not finished yet. Now is the time to rise! Give Him the weight on your shoulders and the burden in your heart. It is not up to you to have all the right answers, or to solve the dilemmas of the world around you. Life’s mysteries belong to life itself. Set your heart to understanding your Father’s precepts. This will still your anxious mind and bring your peace. Stand up and start moving onward once again. Show those to follow that it IS possible. I know that you spend much time looking to tomorrow, but please trust me when I say that God wants to do a great work in your life today…. a work that will impact your tomorrow in great ways, so seize your today and take advantage of every moment to grow in God. May you learn to be content as you labor in joy, and grow in grace. Let your focus be lined up eye to eye with Christ, and you will not stray off the path. Remember that your success is not determined by your competence, but by your dependence on your Father. May Christ always be your source. Faithfully Me….

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