On Sunday's house church, we break into 4 different Churches ( ha ha ha or 4 little group) and we share with people in our own group about what is holding us back from getting know God. For me, I think is busyness. I know I am in the season that I need to work and make money. But sometimes this is killing my relationship with God. Sometimes it's very stressful. for us, every month only for real estate, we have 1500-2000 CAD's bill to pay. Depend on how many deal we do, advertisentment in different news paper and other expenses. Outside of the work, we have two mortgages and living expenses to pay. So much billed to pay and I need to make sure we work hard enough. Busyness is making me stressful. Well, I think it's ok to being busy, but I shouldn't feel streesful. The reason, I feel streesful is because I was fighting it with my own strength. There was so many time in past month, I couldn't control my emotion, I don't like myself being angry or upset. I know that is not what God wants for me. My life should filled with hope, joy, love, and happiness. So many time, I seek God for help. I told God, I can't changed myself, BUT You can changed me.
I share with my sister in my group what is been troubling my heart. They pray for me. I feel so peaceful and changed after. Just like they prayed, Lord is my joy and He is my strength. And I want that. And I am going to get it.
Also I remember Sunday night, Sonja shared about what is righteousness of God. Righteousness is not we try to do something we think is right. We can't be righteousness without God's presents within us. And how to exercis that? You will need to always asked God.... WHERE ARE YOU? In every circumstances you need to asked God .... WHERE ARE YOU, GOD ?
In past couple days, in our work, there was some moments were not easy for us. The decision was not easy for us to make. We have some clients referred by other friends. We show them some houses, they decided to wrote an offer on a house that day. We do not want to put any judgement on any people. But too many of signs told us, they are going to used for illegal propose. We don't know what to do ( so confuse about, are they good people or bad). Only thing we can do is asked God.... WHERE ARE YOU, GOD ? Speak to us. We cried out to God... God, we do not want any people pollute our city. It's been a test for us. But God speak to both of us. and we only want to pleased God. This world told me, I have bills to pay. But when I turn myself to Jesus, He become my righteousness. We drop the deal. His righteousness become mine.
In every circumstances asked Him, God where are you. This is really help me to fix my eyes on Jesus.
I love you, jesus!!
Thank you for the tips Sonja (and Jesus) ^_^